报告题目:Towards Sustainable E-Mobility: Vision and Challenges
报 告 人:曹 越 教授
主 持 人:李天成 教授
报告简介:The development of clean and sustainable energy has a great potential to promote E-Mobility in the UK. The concern about environment and public health, especially in urban areas, has led to the UK to announce that there will be no petrol and diesel vehicles from 2040. Electric Vehicles (EVs) are expected to be widely adopted for individuals, commercial and public vehicle fleets, and will have a significant impact on the sustainable development of urban city. The UK is becoming a world leader in the roll-out of low emission transport.
Apart from major research efforts on charging scheduling concerning “when/whether to charge” while EVs are parked at charging station, a few efforts on charging recommendation aim to improve the driving and charging experience, concerning “where to charge” while EVs are on-the-move during journeys. A standard and extensive in-vehicle layer that allows such E-Mobility applications to be used in a vehicle environment, would greatly benefit EV drivers, and also open up opportunity for creative and innovate new services. Emerging Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) can turn these problems to a holistic solution, and help to understand the whole picture of future transport electrification and energy systems (e.g. London is one of the most active cities in UK to widely promote E-Mobility for logistics, individual/public transport services). This talk will provide a holistic picture on E-Mobility, with pathway to unlock the impact, challenges, and benefits of ICT, along with the vision on provisioning of Connected Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs) for the E-Mobility of future.
曹越,北京航空航天大学,交通科学与工程学院教授,2019年国家“海外高层次人才引进计划”青年项目入选者。围绕信息、交通、能源三个方面的交叉特点,主要研究方向涵盖车联网通信,新能源汽车充电管理及交通规划,无人驾驶泊车系统管理,车联网信息安全等。海外期间参与并主持了多项由“欧盟-FP7/Interreg、英国-EPSRC”资助的科研项目,及“欧盟-Erasmus Mundus/H2020、英国-文化教育协会牛顿基金”等资助的国际交流项目。在国际权威期刊及会议上发表论文100多篇,以第一作者身份发表IEEE期刊论文21篇。博士毕业于英国萨里大学5G创新研究中心,其后任职该中心博士后研究员、英国诺森比亚大学计算机与信息科学系高级讲师、英国兰卡斯特大学计算机与通信学院国际讲师。现为英国高等教育协会会士。